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So- here they are. I will present brief captions for each, in an attempt to create context. Yes- there is one picture (my pride and joy photo, which I am currently using to inspire me physically) of me without a shirt. <GASP> It will be toward the end, so you don’t have to look…

Here we go: Me posing for UNICEF? Nope. We were at Catskill Game Farm in NY, and this was my brother Ron’s version of ‘taking care of his little brother’.
Hehe…Our dog, Blacky. He was a sweet, grumpy guy, and gave the best face licks and cuddles.
I wish I had some explanation for this picture. I. Just. Don’t. I am not sure who the guy in the picture is with me- no children were harmed in the taking of this photo, but the adult posting it now may have a brief moment of regret…
I love this picture. Jim was a BIG reason that I ever followed music as a career- obviously, he started teaching me at a young age. There’s a reasonable chance that, after this photo was taken, he hit me over the head with that book. Tough love, folks…
A typical day in the Adams household: Ron and Jim were both wrestlers in high school, which hopefully explains the singlet. And yup- that pudgy, accusatory finger on the bottom right is mine. My personal goal was to tell on them at every opportunity- their response was to let me ‘play’ WWF in the backyard… many tears and bruises!
A very rare photo- the four Adams men together. I don’t recall the occasion, but you can see by the joyous expressions on our faces that life was good- at least, we were told to act like it was for the sake of keeping others out of our family business…
Fast-forward a decade. This is proof of three things: 1) TX loves the big hair, 2) I can totally rock a mustache, and 3) I was SUPER cool in high school.
Scanned Image
I believe this is my junior year of college. Proof of one thing- THE MULLET!!!!

Here come the shirtless photos. Continue to look, if you dare…

Random photo with Scott, a dear friend and traveling buddy of ours for quite a few years. Love you, man!
KWScott - Version 2
And, in case you didn’t get enough, here is the cropped version of that one… aww, yeah!

Yes, that is quite a sunburn…

Have an awesome week, and remember: There are some things you cannot unsee…