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Raw Confessions: Just to be clear…

I read (and re-read) my posts often. I do so as a reminder of the person I am trying to be in this crazy world, but also want to monitor the impression I might be making with my musings.

Please understand: My writings may come across as those of someone who feels they have it all figured out, and I am not that person! I have the extraordinary ability to be lazy, grumpy, lacking in motivation, self-depricating, self-sabotaging, and generally an all around jerk at times. I have spent my time finding ways to avoid dealing with my issues, and that includes experimenting with various ways to numb the pain… I am sure you are able to fill in the blanks on this.  The things I have done I am not incredibly proud of, but I am also not ashamed.

I am a firm believer in the idea that every experience I have in this life and every choice I make are responsible for making me the man I am today. Some may like this man; others may not. It is not for me to decide or focus on the opinions of others (says the man who has to fight not to read every review written of my work). I can pour each of these experiences into my work, and I think that adds my particular brand of  seasoning into the final product I offer.

Suffice it to say that, as I mentioned in my first post, this blog is record of my journey. As on every journey, there are winding roads, seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and a list of fears that accompany it. There are also beautiful places, clear skies, and opportunities to take a moment and survey my path. It is in these moments that I meet humility, and am grateful for each of them.

I will keep exploring and unearthing things about myself. I hope something I have said, or something within you, will encourage you to do the same.