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Update from the South


I have only been here a couple of days. So many things have come to me spiritually. ALL of them relate to this crazy wonderful singing life. Game-changing things have happened…

First: Travel to Mobile. My flight out of KC was delayed…delayed…annoyingly delayed. I was anxious to get to Mobile and begin rehearsals for Mobile Opera’s production of Done Pasquale, and having just been through a terrible travel situation (for my FB friends; recall the Delta flight from KC to Killeen, TX that took almost 24 hours to complete because of flight delays…and my frustration with it), I was ready for WAR! Then, I remembered how miserable I made myself on that lasttrip and thought, perhpas, that I was being offered a ‘do-over’ for my rantings. That in mind, I became almost light-hearted in the process of figuring out how to get to Mobile! I went to the gate agent, explainged my situation in a sincere manner, and got on the next flight out of KC (which many before me had not been offered),  a stay at the Marriott in Dallas, and a host of other perks. All of this because I CHOSE how I was going to act and who I was going to be during this event. Simply, a very delightful sojourn!

Since my arrival, we have done the following: Sung through acts one and two of Pasquale, staged a large portion of act one, and performed at an AMAZING blind-auction, where we submitted selections and patrons bid on things they would like to hear. Did I mention having little sleep due to some overloaded travel-weariness. Have you ever been so tired you could not sleep? I am sure I am not alone in this… How do I feel after all of this? Words cannot describe… remember a few blogs ago when I said it felt like my confidence had broken somewhere along the way? I think the healing of that is well underway…again, I keep choosing how I am going to behave and who I want to be in every moment. Warren said that I sounded so upbeat (my words) considering how I normally respond in moments like these. I didn’t have a real reply. I just feel like someone else…better, I feel like myself again. The David Adams that was not afraid of a challenge; that was able to get up and give my all in every moment and not miss a beat. God, David, I have missed you!

So, why should anyone give a crap about all of this? First, I wanted to update you on things here in the Old South. Moreover, I am blown away by the shift in my world because I have taken responsibility for the how and who of me again. Life doesn’t just happen. I have a choice in the matter at all times…and so do you!

More to come, and I can hardly wait! Can I keep this up…? Will I doubt myself again? probably. Will I know where to turn when I do, if I am not just pouting about things? yes…the answer is to what lies within me (I call it Christ or Spirit, you may choose your own term). Knowing that when I struggle it is because I choose to do so is a mighty powerful thing…

Has anyone else had this type of random yet completely life-altering shift in consciousness?