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Trust…an easy thing to say!

I leave for NYC tomorrow to sing for a prominent presenter in NYC. I am very excited, yet there is something…

As I have always said to people with whom I have worked, “If you have done the work, then just get out of the way and trust the process.” I have heard it countless times from my ‘support team’ (coaches, teacher, and friends in the business right there with me). I call this concept intelligent abandon. Simply stated, the first part of the equation is like programming a computer. I input all of the data needed to run the equipment (breathing, posture, space, etc). Once the basic information is there and running properly… just like a machine that needs maintenance, regular care of the voice over time is vital (I am going for a big dose of that in NYC this week)… I may then begin turning focus to the more artistic elements of the wonderful world of singing! This is, for the record, a VERY simplistic overview of my thoughts on the process.

The fun comes next, in the abandon! Whether auditioning or performing on stage (the only real difference is costume, lights, and makeup), I must abandon all of my involvement in the mechanics of singing. I must fully trust my time well-spent in preparation, and allow my senses to take the lead. Some may say this is ‘letting it flow’ or ‘being in the zone’. The challenge lies in the very key to it all: Trusting myself and allowing this human instrument, this Gift for which I am merely a vessel, to shine. Here’s the rub: As vessel, I am also gatekeeper. I may choose what is allowed to express, and what is not. Should I get caught up in the mechanics of singing, I shut the gate on my full creative power. This isn’t to say I am not mindful of the mechanics… I simply cannot focus on them alone. I must turn my thoughts to the story being told and the teller of the story. The mechanism must be trusted, thus allowing it to freely participate in the event. When these things align, nothing but sheer pleasure is possible! Again, this is a very simplified detailing of my process. As individual as each voice is, so is each process.

This will be my first ‘cliffhanger’ blog… I will fill you in on how things go!
